Mark Rothko, Centenary


Tuesday, September 23, 2003

  Conference participants arrive in Daugavpils

Wednesday, September 24, 2003

10:00 - 14:30 Registration for the conference in Renesanse movie theater, Vienîbas street 30.
11:00 Unveiling of the Rothko Memorial plaque and sculpture at 18. November street.
12:00 Inauguration of the Rothko Hall in the Daugavpils Museum of Regional Studies and Arts.
13:00-14:30 Lunch / Visitors check into hotels.
14:30-15:30 Opening session of the conference "Mark Rothko: Dvinsk (Daugavpils) - the Starting Point." The conference will take place in the recently renovated Renesanse movie theater in Daugavpils. Speeches will include a greeting from the President of the Republic of Latvia, Mrs. Vaira Vîíe-Freiberga, a speech by the Chairman of the Daugavpils City Council, and an introduction by Christopher Rothko.
15:30-16:20 Showing of Izy Morgensztern's film "Mark Rothko, 1903 through 1970, An Abstract Humanist."
16:20-16:40 Coffee break
16:40-17:10 Speaker Izy Morgensztern, director, former professor of History of Religions at Toulouse University: “Mark Rothko - a Jewish Painter.”
17:20-17:50 Speaker Eduards Klavins, professor, Riga Academy of Art: “Mark Rothko and Latvian Art. Points of Contact in the Realm of Art History.”

Thursday, September 25, 2003

10:00-10:30 Speaker David Anfam, managing director, Art Exploration Consultancy: “Will the real Marcus Rothkowitz please stand up?”
10:40-11:10 Speaker Fjodor Fjodorov, professor, Daugavpils University: “Essay of Dvinsk.”
11:20-11:50 Coffee break
11:50-12:20 Alexander Borovski, head of Contemporary Art Dept, Russian Museum, St. Petersburg: “Context of Spirituality: Rothko in Russian Tradition.”
12:30-13:00 Speaker Karen Wilkin, art historian, New York Presentation on Max Weber, Meyer Schapiro, Jules Olitski: “American Painters with Russian Roots.”
13:10-13:40 Speaker Christopher Rothko: “Rothko and the Inner World.”
14:00-15:30 Lunch
15:30-16:00 Speaker Dr. Sheldon Nodelman, professor, San-Diego University: "Rothko's Unity."
16:10-16:40 Speaker Oliver Wick, a guest curator of the Beyeler Foundation, Basel, Switzerland: “Mark Rothko and Rothko Rooms.”
16:50-17:20 Speaker Suna Umari, Executive Director of the Rothko Chapel, “The unique role of the Rothko Chapel and its activities in religion and human rights.”

Friday, September 26, 2003

  Conference participants depart Daugavpils